We pick our favorite moments of TEDxUbud 2019
/Our 8th edition was an incredible experience, possibly our strongest ever in terms of production and program. For an event that takes so much time and so many people to put together, often memories of those 12 hours can just seem like a blur of noise and light. Watching the photos come in from the phenomenal photographers can be a whole new experience and slightly surreal as we see things that as producers we didn’t get to witness in person (backstage doesn’t have great views), but only in our minds’s eye as we dreamed them up many months ago.
From over 1,300 official photos, it’s pretty hard to pick favorites. So we decided to ask each other what were our most loved images and memories of the night.
Prehistoric Body Theater performs. Photo by Shayna Pitch.
Ajeng’s choices
Julia blowing bubbles. Photo by Suki Zoe.
Making up the dinosaur dancers with natural clay pigment. Photo by Neyna Rahmadani.
Standing ovations always make our heart sing. Photo by Suki Zoe.
Daniela’s Picks
Azhar at work.
Under the X at night. Photo by Neyna Rahmadani.
With photographer Bang Dzoel. Photo by Suki Zoe.
Michellina’s favorites
Speaker Louise in deep concentration before going on stage. Photo by Neyna Rahmadani.
Joy and relief. Photo by Herry Santosa.
Powerful portrait of Jonny Miller by Bang Dzoel.
Mila’s picks
Food that moves! Cotton candy by Neyna Rahmadani.
The X from above. Photo by Neyna Rahmadani.
Our pop up name badge. Photo by Neyna Rahmadani.