Who are your natural pigment heroes?
Can I expand this to natural color heroes? Because I have to put Novi on here! [Dear reader, we have done a great interview with Novi of Cinta Bumi Artisans that also lives on our blog! Lucky you!]
As for other heroes, I came into exploring pigments in a pretty insular way, and have only really started to explore pigments in the last two years. Before that it was all about developing the textile binder and figuring out what to do with Kajimundo. However, some faves: @ines.katamso (I met her when I first started Kajimundo and it's so interesting to see her journey go from an interest into fully embodying pigments into her practice), @Ochre.Earth (Melissa Ladkin), Herman De Vreis (his earth rubbings and 2015 Biennale works have been an ongoing influence for me. I discovered his book "To Be Always" when I worked at the bookshop at National Gallery of Victoria)
Also, this is going to sound corny, but the ancestors I guess are the ultimate heroes, who explored and created, allowed for that knowledge to be passed down, and I guess the land itself. I learn from random articles about Aztec blue, history books, other artists, science papers (whatever is free online), YouTube, old textile books, and field trips to craftspeople around Bali. Oh, and people that have bought my ink/colours and write to me! I am always amazed to see how people use the colours, it's almost always so different, keeps me curious to explore more, and I am so happy when they share that the pigments have sparked some happiness and curiosity for them too.